Thursday, May 17, 2012

Ugh, bad week

Somehow my son has forgotten who is the parent.  He thinks he can do whatever he wants, whenever he wants, with no consequences.  I'm not quite sure how this happened.  Was it when I was pregnant with JB? Was it after she was born and the "natural" order of things was messed up?  Or was it when he noticed I needed a little down time everytime JB wakes up to nurse her.  I don't know.  But what I do know is something has to be done!

This has quite possibly been one of the worst weeks since the birth of my daughter.  Jayman has been unbearable.  Off the charts bad.  I'm talking crying, whining, throwing things at me and his sister, waking up early, going to bed late, power struggles... the whole enchilada.  I know the terrible 2's are named such for a reason but is there light at the end of the tunnel? When will he settle down? I try really hard to pay attention to him while I am nursing JB, but there is only so much I can do with a child stuck on my boob for 20 minutes.  I've tried IPad time, building blocks, alone in his room while I nurse.  Nothing seems to keep his attention for 5 minutes let alone 20!

I don't even know where to start as far as disciplining him.  You can yell at him, but he only pouts or cries then goes right back to the bad behavior.  You can spank him but it doesn't phase him.  The only thing he absolutely hates is being put in his room and shutting his door.  If you do that, he goes into hysterics.  Should I try time-outs again?  They didn't work 6 months ago, but maybe they will now.  My husband says spanking doesn't work because I'm not doing it right.  I'm afraid of turning him into this monster child who hits kids or is a huge bully.  But, I was spanked as a child, as was my husband and neither of us are monsters.

How do you or did you handle your childs terrible 2's?  What worked for you?